Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Playing train

The kids have been playing more and more together when they aren't fighting. Well, they don't really fight all that much as there are very few days when I tell Jason that he needs to find the kids a new mom because I quit. But they do enjoy each other often. One of their favorite after dinner activities of late is called train and what they do is string together with Abby in the middle and quickly walk around the main level. There are inevitable crashes as Abby tumbles down and pulls the rest of the crowd with her. Then they laugh and roll around and get up and continue going around and around. Although I get worried of someone (i.e. Abby) getting hurt, they have so much fun doing playing together and the boys are really pretty good with Abby that we let them have their fun for a few minutes before redirecting them to other activities (like bath and bedtime).

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