Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Sam's first kiss. We went to church last night for family dinner and movie night and the girl Sam's been inviting over grabbed him and kissed him. Multiple times. On the lips. Today I asked Sam what happened. "Bella kissed me. We ate popcorn together." That's the story. At church of all places.

Matthew's uttered his first noticeable "word" or "expression". He says "Ahh ahh ahh" and squeals a lot, but he recently started saying "Uh oh" when he (repeatedly) drops his drink during our meals and snacks. It often sounds more like "uh uh" but occasionally he gets the "oh" sound out pretty well. My little boy is growing up.

Baby Kirchhoff's heartbeat was heard strong and loud today. S/he is 10 weeks and was quite squirmy when the nurse was trying to find a heartbeat with the doppler thingy. Sam regularly looks for the baby in Mommy's tummy, but he has yet to find anything. "Where is it?" he asks. Matthew, for the time being, is unaware of anything, which is for the best. His world will be rocked soon enough.

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