Monday, March 21, 2011

New shoes and craft time

Today we went shoe shopping for Matthew since he is starting to cruise around some and also it's getting nicer out so I want him to be able to cruise around at the playground! We got some shoes at Stride Rite and when later in the afternoon I thought Matthew looked like such a little man with his jean, nice shirt and shoes that I had to take him picture. He looks so big. My baby.

I also posted some pictures of our craft time yesterday. Sam was all about crafts yesterday and he usually could care less about crafts. But we did watercolor painting, and construction paper art. Sam would take the Elmer's glue or glue stick and dribble it on the paper, then exclaim, "I made a road!" and stick little bits of torn up construction paper on his road. Matthew contented himself with finger painting, which was a first for the little guy. Fortunately the stuff is non-toxic, because of course, it was going in the mouth. We had a lot of fun with our crafts and I think the kids are into abstract art these days.

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