Friday, March 18, 2011

Sam's sick

I got a bug earlier in the week and now Sam has picked something up. After emptying the contents of his stomach after his nap around 3, he hasn't been able to keep anything down. Poor kid.

This is how it went down. After nap, I turned on a cartoon for Sam while I got Matthew some snack. Sam then came over to me crying and I picked him up at which time he released his stomach contents onto me and himself. I set him down, went to get some towels, took off my shirt and he added more to the floor. I had him sit down, then he got his jeans. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. He then said, while crying extensively, "Mommy I burped!" and went through the litany of clothes that were dirty, "Mommy, my socks! Mommy, my pants, Mommy, my shirt!" Poor kid. I stripped him, wiped up the floor, and wiped him down with diaper wipes. During this time, Matthew ran out of his snack, but he was engrossed with all the action around him that he didn't start crying and fussing immediately as he usually does when he runs out of food.

Sam then said he felt better and wasn't sick. I wasn't so sure. I sat him down on the couch, covered him with a blanket and gave him a bucket, with the instructions to use the bucket if he had to burp again. We never really got that down, but every time he threw up after that he would start crying and asking for me so I was able to get to him quickly and hold the bucket for him. We tried some pedialyte, which didn't go over well, although Sam was eager to consume some. After a few bouts of not keeping the pedialyte down I decided he would not get anymore. Sam watched the Berenstein Bears cartoon for the next 3 hours.

When it was time for Matthew to go to bed around 6:30, Sam was downstairs watching cartoons. However, he managed to make him way up the stairs and inform me that he had to burp, at which time I quickly set Matthew down and ran Sam to the toilet. After doing his thing I returned to getting Matthew ready for bed, while Sam resumed his normal disruptive activities while I'm trying to get Matthew calmed down for bed, like slamming doors, screaming and the like. It was like he was not even sick. But he still was, unfortunately. He went to bed shortly after Matthew, and is sleeping soundly right now, we'll see how the morning goes.

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