Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Today is my birthday

And my day started at 4:30 with Matthew crying...and crying...and crying. For some reason he was almost inconsolable for most of the early morning. Jason checked on him once or twice and he'd quiet down for a few minutes then start back up. That kid is a mystery to me sometimes. At 6 I finally picked him up and brought him into bed with me, hoping he'd fall asleep and remain so for 30 minutes to an hour (of course, he didn't). Sam came into our room around 5:30, so he didn't wait for his magical clock to change to yellow. Jason took him back to his room, and he came back maybe around 6 or so. Jason again sent him back and he finally waited for his clock to change to yellow and came to our room at 6:30, where Matthew was playing on the bed, Jason was showering and I was wishing for some more sleep.

We had a good day, though. We went to the Y and Matthew fell asleep on the ride home. The usual routine is for me to get Sam unbuckled, then Matthew, and take Matthew in the house while Sam shuts the van doors and makes his own way in the house. So I unbuckled Sam, then carried a very deeply sleeping Matthew into the house and to his room, took off his coat and hat without him waking and returned downstairs. I could hear Sam whining, "Mommy, Mommy!" He was trying to make his way up the two steps into our house dragging my very heavy gym bag behind him. Awww, what a nice kid. I helped him and gave him a big hug for being so kind to me on my birthday.

Later in the afternoon I was getting ready for my big date with Jason and Matthew was playing in the bathroom with me when Sam came in and started putting away some towels I had washed and folded, but were still in the clothes basket. He put them all away, then played on the bed. I was astounded. I hadn't said a thing about it, he just started putting them in their proper places in the bathroom linen cabinet.

To top the evening off Jason and I went out for dinner and had some nice adult conversation. We then went to the Tile Shop to look at some tile for the basement bathroom. All in all, it was a nice day, I just wish I could have slept in a little bit. Maybe in a few years.

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