Monday, April 11, 2011

Matthew's firsts

Last night Matthew had his first real haircut. It was family haircut night and I decided it was time for Matthew to join in the festivities as well. I have trimmed his hair some with a scissors but wanted to see how he would do with the electric clippers that Jason uses on himself and Sam. Matthew handled the haircut without a single peep. He hardly moved his head and just did a great job. Jason said he was easier to cut than Sam. I couldn't believe how old Matthew looked after the haircut. I expected him to begin speaking in full sentences he looked so old and was surprised when he said "ahh ahh ahh" and squealed afterward. The bottom picture is Matthew this morning with his new haircut. I didn't get a pic last night as he went to bed soon afterward so got one this morning during breakfast.

So that was yesterday and today Matthew two front teeth finally broke through. He was doing better the past few days and I could see them through his thinning gums and they came in today. So Matthew has four teeth now! Sam had four teeth on his first birthday so Matthew seems to be following suit.

In other news, our baboosh removal threat has been a huge success for Sam. He hasn't left his room when he's not supposed to since the threat and this includes at bedtime and during naps. Unfortunately, we will still have to wean him off it eventually. No one is looking forward to that, but it must come sometime.

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