Sunday, April 17, 2011

Matthew's words

As Matthew's first birthday is rapidly approaching I have been trying to figure out what words he has. He said a lot of different things, but nothing much seems to make a lot of sense. However, lately I've tried paying more attention to what he says and when he says it to see if there are patterns to his babble. And lo and behold, I think he has a few words! Other than "Uh oh!" which he's been saying for a while, he also says "Hi" which sounds like "hi-ya" and "Daddy" which sounds like "Da-eee." In my view his still my baby so it's surprising to hear him actually say recognizable words. He also took a few quick steps yesterday as he went from one structure to another that were just far enough apart to require "free-walking" without holding on to anything. He just goes for it. My little risk taker.

Matthew has also become quite feisty over the last week. It's like something in him just woke up and there's this new side of him emerging. It started with his retaliation when Sam would take toys. Then a few days ago I was in the bathroom when I heard him screaming and screaming and screaming. It wasn't a pain scream, but more like a frustration scream, much like what he does when Sam takes a toy from him. When I got to him I found that he was pushing the John Deere around when it got stuck on a rug and apparently Matthew was very frustrated with that. Then yesterday Sam set down a baggie of snacks and Matthew grabbed it. Sam started complaining and trying to grab it back when Matthew started waving it back and forth in his face and screaming. Oh dear. After this incident I told Jason that Matthew is a pistol and Sam has been saying. "Matthew is a pistol! Matthew is a pistol!" frequently since then. He is definitely developing his own unique personality.

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