Saturday, April 30, 2011

Matthew is One!

Happy Birthday, Matthew! We celebrated by having Ken and Cheri over for grilling (fortunately it stopped raining) and some birthday festivities. Matthew enjoyed opening gifts, although Sam did most of the opening despite our attempts to stop him from doing so. Matthew didn't seem to care, at least this year, though I'm sure that will change in the future. He loved his gifts, even hugging the clothing he received, and Sam loved most of Matthew's gifts too (except the clothing), commandeering them at his first opportunity. A stuffed Elmo stuffed toy was maybe the biggest hit, or perhaps the cake.
We grilled for dinner and Matthew picked at everything, taking some bites here and there, but not eagerly devouring anything on his tray. He already had two other favorite meals (pancakes, he ate 4-5 inch pancakes; and mac and cheese) during the day and ate A LOT at those meals, so I guess he was maybe somewhat full. Maybe. Until the cupcakes came out. I got adventurous and made schnauzer cupcakes and they turned out pretty cute. Matthew got a kick out of the singing of the Happy Birthday song and after a bit of looking at his cupcake and deciding what to do, he picked the whole thing up and started eating the frosting. He ate a good portion of the cupcake and looking longingly at another cupcake.  I vetoed that after surveying the the picture he looks pretty good still. Eventually he had frosting and cake behind one ear and at various other points on his head. What a good day! We are so blessed by our little boys!

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