Monday, April 18, 2011

Some Monday ramblings

Another Monday. Jason is out of town for work, so today was a long day. I wasn't sure how things would go as Sam had a rather bad night last night How many times can that kid get out of bed at bedtime? For awhile we used the "we will take away your baboosh" threat to keep him in his room, but now that he doesn't have a baboosh, our ammo is gone...Anyway, he must gotten out of bed and led back (by Jason or myself) at least 40 times. I wish I was kidding but I'm not. He would get up, come out of his room and when I came to him (I was waiting in our bedroom just steps away) he would start crying and screaming, "Cover me up!" I was thinking, "I just did and if you would stay in bed, you would be covered up!" Jason received similar treatment except that Sam would scream at him, "Go to Philadelphia!". It took an hour to get him to settle down into bed and we eventually resorted to "locking" him in his room or who knows how many times more he would have emerged. You may be asking if he was tired...he certainly was, but he was having a heck of a time settling down.

Apparently this is another completely normal stage of toddlerhood. Does Sam read toddler books or check the internet for what trouble he should be causing these days? Because he seems to be doing things that are apparently completely normal for toddlers, though completely frustrating for parents. The little neighbor girl down the street goes through a lot of similar toddler antics so we believe they are sharing ideas and notes with each other when we get together for playdates. I can just imagine..."Have you tried refusing to get into your car seat and running around the empty car for a few minutes? How about running around the house and slamming doors when you're supposed to be putting on your shoes? or Have you tried throwing your toys at your parents when you're supposed to put them away?"

So anyway, back to Monday ramblings. Matthew, my little marathon sleeper woke at 7:30. He went to bed around 6:30. Sam had been awake since around 6, but didn't leave his room until it was 6:40, when his clock turned yellow. So some things are working. And he is still without his baboosh. He asks for it once or twice a day, nothing more, and drops it when I remind him that he gave it to the baboosh fairy. It's actually going smoother than I thought it would.

Sam had some cereal while I made pancakes and I was hoping to get them done before Matthew woke, but I didn't quite finish. Matthew is quite crabby until he eats in the morning and I wanted to avert Matthew's morning crabbiness. I pacified him with some Kix while I was cooking up our pancakes. I make a whole wheat/oatmeal/cornmeal pancake that is actually really good even though it is quite healthy. Anyway, I got the pancakes done and Matthew proceeded to eat more of them than Sam or myself. The extras went into the fridge to have tomorrow or later in the week. The kids just love pancakes and they're easy to reheat in the toaster. I don't know why I don't make them more often!

Well, the rest of the day was uneventful and even went smoothly. It wasn't without a few toddler/parent struggles, but nothing out of the ordinary and nothing too extreme. Just normal short tantrums and disobedience. Always testing whether I will follow through. Always testing. It's so exhausting! Matthew was agreeable as long as he had a full tummy and a clean diaper. He's really becoming quite independent and playing on his own and cruising around while holding onto furniture or walking with push toys. He still loves his mommy, but also enjoys his independence. Sam asked for Jason a few times and we talked about his trip to Philly. He even went to bed well, much to my surprise. Hopefully everyone has a good sleep.

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