Sunday, August 7, 2011

Guest Post from Dad #2

Boys, I have a confession to make and I think I owe you an apology.  (although I'm not sure as the issue still seems somewhat unsettled in my mind)   Well here goes...   I don't take your dental care very seriously.  When I analyze the situation - it just doesn't make much sense to me.  Your teeth are going to fall out, in fact it is a cultural tradition that we celebrate the fact your teeth fall out. There is even a mythical creature? or person that has been created to assist with this celebration.   So why do we need to be so concerned about brushing all the time.  Now I normally do brush your teeth but there are times when you're (read - I'm) very tired and just want to go straight to bed.  Whats the big deal?  It's like having an old car that you are going to take to the junkyard but stopping to get the oil changed on the way.  So... I'm sorry I will try to do better.

God Bless,  Dad

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