Saturday, August 27, 2011

Matthew's 15, errrr, 16 months!

Hi Matthew, I've been meaning to write you about your 15 mo. appointment for a long time, but just haven't gotten around to it until now. So here it is. And here you are almost 16 months. Anyway, you didn't really like the appointment, even before the shots. Typical of previous appointments, you cried as soon as the nurse came in and told me to strip you down to your diaper. Getting weighed was a tragedy as was getting measured on the exam table. Being examined by the doctor was pretty bad too, although you sat on my lap the whole time which reduced your crying significantly. Then came the shots. Not pleasant. I guess you have a good excuse given your last ER visit which was very unpleasant to watch, so I'm sure it was very unpleasant to experience.

Here are your 15 mo. stats and how they compare to Sam's.
Height: 33.25 in, 95th percentile (Sam, 33 in, 93rd percentile)
Weight: 26.25 lbs 75th percentile (Sam, 21.25lbs, 10th percentile)

As you can see, you are healthy and strong and growing very well! While you certainly are a lot bigger than Sam was at that age, you're by no means huge looking. In fact, I'm often surprised at how you look rather lean compared to some other big little kids. I guess Sam was on the small side of "normal" and you're on the bigger side of "normal."

As far as other development, apparently you're supposed to say 3-6 words correctly at this age. You certainly have that down. Today you said, "Where go Mama?" So there's 3 words strung together in a sentence! You make your mother proud. Every day it seems you say another word that I had no idea you knew. Like two days ago you said "towel" and yesterday at the library you said "giraffe" (it sounded more like raff, but I knew what you meant). I'll try to list some more that I remember you know, but there really are too many to remember...truck, car, go, ball, baseball, blankie, thank you, down, cookie, cracker, water, drink, book, Sam, Dada, Mama, kitty, dog, tractor, baby, shoe, Elmo, shower...hmmm. I can't remember what else right now. Anyway, we are proud of you. Keep up the good work! Love, Mom

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