Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's on the floor?

Hi Kids, Well, you certainly make a mess of my floors these days. Matthew, you are an expert at hurling food on the floor when you are upset. Mostly you get mad when you are not cleaned up and removed from your booster seat immediately upon showing your enthusiastic "all done" sign (rapidly waving your arms around and saying "done done"). You also like to drop your drink on the floor, and although you use sippy cups that are not supposed to leak, the force with which you drop or throw them always leaves splatters on the floor. So there is a myriad of food and drink remnants on the floor, some of which get wiped up and some of which don't immediately until mop up day.

Sam, your floor messes also deal with the kitchen or dining room. Your food mishaps are well, by accident, unlike Matthew's. You are getting very good at using a spoon, using it for oatmeal, cereal and milk and yogurt, but occasionally food misses your mouth and ends up on the floor.

For both of you, however, your "interesting" floor mishaps involve the bathroom. Matthew, you like to play in the toilet. There is no other way to say it. Today you took the toilet brush and tried to clean the toilet. You also try to put various kitchen items in the toilet, as I've previously reported, and other times you simply like to play in the toilet with your hands. Now "they" make locks for toilet seat covers so that little kids like you, Matthew, can't open them, but that also means they would be locked up for Sam, so we can't go that route. Instead, we try to keep the bathroom doors closed. Sam, your bathroom mishaps involve "misses". You are becoming quite good at using the potty, but as a boy, you are sometimes careless with your aim. Anyway, what all this activity in the bathroom leads to is "what's on the floor?" I will walk into the bathroom and see a puddle. Is that just toilet water or is it pee? Neither option is particularly appealing, although I must admit that I'd rather it's toilet water. I will sometimes inquire of Sam what happened, which usually ends up with a incoherent answer. Matthew, I usually catch you in the act, so it's really not much of a question. But at times it is and I stare at it for awhile, trying to determine it's origin, getting disgusted by the puddle, and eventually grab paper towels or a nearby towel, wipe up the mess, then spray it down with cleaner and wipe it again.

Someday I won't ask these questions. I may ask whether a particular spill in the kitchen is apple juice or water, but I won't be pondering whether something is toilet water or pee. I just won't. Except for this post I probably won't even remember that I even considered this question. Such is the life of a mom with little kids. Who knew that I would ponder such things? That's something that you just don't consider when you think of having children. Someday you may be asking the very same question of your own children. Love you, Mom

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