Monday, August 1, 2011

Stomach pains

Well, today was a pretty normal day until around 11:30 AM. Matthew was down for his morning nap (or nap for the day, I suppose I should say since he didn't nap again) and Sam and I were downstairs. I tried laying on the couch for awhile to recoup some energy (since Matthew woke up me at 5:21AM) while Sam played, but that didn't really work. Sam tried to lay beside me, on top of me, share my pillow and other antics and, well, it just wasn't very restful. Then he started complaining that he felt sick and lifted up his shirt, pointing at his stomach. He then doubled over and hugged his abdomen. I wasn't sure what was going on, but my initial thought was that he was constipated since he hadn't done his usual No. 2 that morning (which is occurring pretty exclusively in the toilet). He whimpered for a minute or two, then I suggested we go take a nap upstairs. He very willingly obliged and I was very agreeable to the idea of a nap with Sam in his bed, so upstairs we went. He kept saying that he was sick and would clutch his tummy on the way up the stairs. I carried him up most of the way and we got to his new big bed (he sleeps on a full-size mattress on the floor these days). I rubbed his back awhile and soon we were both asleep.

At around 12:30 I heard Matthew cry out so I snuck out of Sam's room and got Matthew up and took him downstairs to have some lunch. I gave him Sam's sandwich that was untouched and he happily ate away. Moments later I heard Sam crying/screaming for me. So upstairs I went and retrieved Sam. He was still in pain and complaining about his stomach. I asked if he was hungry and he said he wanted a sandwich. I made one for him and he crawled into his chair, only to try to lay in it moments later. He then climbed down, sandwich untouched and laid on the floor. At that point I was getting a little concerned so decided we'd go to the doctor to rule out appendicitis or something serious. I had never seen him like this before and he just seemed to be in so much pain.

I got everyone packed up into the van, dropped Matthew off and Ken and Cheri's and went to the doctor. Sam periodically throughout the drive would whimper and cry out and squirm in discomfort, but then he'd be okay. The doctors visit involved no crying at all, even during the finger prick and blood draw, just more whimpering and squirming. All tests came back negative and I left fairly certain my little boy was stopped up. We picked up some juice and laxative on the way home, stopped at Ken and Cheri's briefly where Sam continued his whimpering, squirming and discomfort, got Matthew and went home. I suddenly figured out how to fix the "On Demand" on the TV and we watched some Berenstein Bears. Sam laid mostly still on the couch, I sat beside Sam and Matthew sat on my lap most of the time.

Sam didn't have any dinner, although Matthew ferociously gobbled up pizza, pears and a brownie. Around 6:30 I took Matthew up for a bath and Sam followed. He came into the bathroom with us, but then said he was still sick and went to his room to lay down. Matthew tried all sorts of antics to engage Sam including jumping on his bed, lying beside him, giving him books and so on. Still nothing. Matthew took his bath, then, as he always does, he ran into Sam's room to play on his bed. Jason had come upstairs and was in bed with Sam. Suddenly, Sam got out of bed and started running after Matthew who had fled to another room. The two boys ran back and started jumping on the bed and climbing on Jason. Sam then started taking all the books out of his basket beside his bed and throwing them around the room. He and Matthew then ran out of the room again and ran back. Sam then grabbed his kleenexs and started throwing them around the room. Goodness. It was as if all his energy that he conserved by laying around all day was coming at now, at 7PM, when I hoped he'd be ready for bed soon.

Anyway, Jason put Matthew to bed, then he and Sam went downstairs while I went to work on the computer. Shortly, I was summoned in vague terms by Jason which means one thing: Sam pooped and Jason doesn't deal with poop. I think we were all relieved, Sam most of all. I cleaned him up, then he continued his energy-expelling antics and was as normal as ever. Now I know what a constipated Sam is like.

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