Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sitting on the steps


Years down the road you will read this and I'm sure you will be very surprised at what I'm going to write. I think there are all sorts of things that parents know that their kids think they don't know (and all sorts of things that parents don't know about their kids too...) and this is just one case. I wonder if my parents knew that Aunt Jessica and I would play cards or read with flashlights under the covers when we were younger? Well, anyway, we know that after we put you to bed you come out of your room and sit on the steps reading. Yes, we know. We sometimes pretend that we can't hear you turning pages, but we can. Sometimes we just let it go and after a few minutes you go back to bed on your own. The other day, for example, you came out of your room, were on the steps for a few minutes and went back on your own. In the morning you confessed that you came downstairs to see if Big Brother was on and finding that it wasn't you went back to bed. At least you are honest.

Other times we pretend not to hear you and you don't go back to bed. Then we have to tell you to go back to bed. Tonight, for example, you sat for awhile, then I told you to go to bed. You said, "No." Hmmm...outright defiance. That is something new. Usually you just don't do what we ask, but you don't say "No." I had to "convince" you it was time to go back to bed and you eventually did.

Anyway, we know. I'm sure this won't be the first instance where we know what's going on and you think we don't. You are a clever boy, however, and I'm sure you will pull the wool over our eyes in the future. And we are clever parents, so I'm sure there will be times when we don't know, but we act like we do. I mastered that skill when I was a teacher. The students hardly ever called my bluff and Jason is an excellent poker player, so you may have a hard time with us in the future. Although you do have our genetic makeup, so I'm sure you will be a worthy contender. Anyway, go back to bed. Love ya,  Mom

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