Monday, August 8, 2011

Sleeping in

Dear boys,

I haven't set an alarm to wake up in the morning since, well, at least since before Matthew was born. See, in those days, Sam used to sleep in until 7 on most mornings. So if I/we had to be somewhere around 8 I'd have to set an alarm to make sure I was up in time. However, these days I never set an alarm. It seems there is always a child awake at 6 or 6:30, so "sleeping in" until 7 or later is just not going to happen. Ever. Matthew, you've been a early morning riser since day one, and I vaguely remember you getting up at 6AM most mornings all winter. Fortunately, with the time change that was moved back until 7 this spring (and has creeped up to around 6 or 6:30 most days), but now with the fall time change coming up, well, I can only hope for the best, otherwise I'm getting out my earplugs and I'll see you at 6AM or later.

Saturday morning was not a good morning for me. I didn't sleep well during the night, so Sam, when you came into Mom and Dad's room at 6:22, I moaned "No, no, no" and rolled over. Daddy, fortunately, wasn't as perturbed as I was and got up with you (and took you and Matthew who woke up moments later to get donuts which I had requested the night before...what wonderful Kirchhoff men). I "slept in" for another half hour or so, then got up, only to feel groggy for getting a little bit of extra sleep. Isn't that funny how that works? Isn't it funny how I refer to 7AM as sleeping in these days? I never would have thought that was sleeping in during my younger years, but now I would love to sleep in until 7AM. That sounds like heaven on earth (if there was such a thing).

Anyway, Sunday morning, Sam, you had learned your lesson and neither you or Matthew made a peep until 6:57AM. Jason and I had both woken up on our own by that time and Jason asked, "I wonder if the kids are ok?" As if on cue, Sam walked into our room moments later and started reading books with Jason and Matthew started crying for attention minutes later, so I brought him into bed with us and he cuddled for a few minutes. See how happy we all are at 7AM? See, isn't life better this way? I'm happy, Daddy's happy and you both get adequate, loving attention. It's not that we/I don't love you at 5:30 or 6AM, I guess that showing my love for you at that time consists of actually getting up with you, feeding you, getting you dressed (or helping you dress, in Sam's case), but the lovey-dovey-ness-my-children-are-wonderful-ness just isn't there. But give me another hour and I'm a completely different person.

Someday you'll understand. And someday I'll probably have to drag you out of bed at 10AM. And I'll reminisce about the days when you got up, full of energy and joy, at 6AM.  Days when you got up and couldn't wait to see Jason and I. Days when you just want to snuggle a bit or read a few stories before starting off the day. Well, I'll see you in the morning. Love, Mom

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