Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Lately, the boys have started to move somewhat away from their egocentricity (especially Sam) especially regarding food. For example, Sam will often set aside a bite of something, a granola, a cookie, some peanuts or something and say he's going to save it for Daddy. Most of the time, then don't end up getting saved, but at least he's thinking about someone other than himself. A few weeks ago when we got McDonalds for lunch Sam asked me where his Happy Meal bag was, so I found it and then he started putting the remainder of his lunch in it (a few fries and a chicken nugget). I gently told him that I thought it wouldn't keep well, but he insisted so they went into the fridge. At snack time later that afternoon, Sam decided he wanted a few of his leftover fries, so he got them out of the fridge, ate one and made quite a disgusted look. Then they went into the trash. "They're no good" he said. It's the thought that counts.

So onto Matthew. Jason returned home from a work trip last Friday and we were getting the boys ready for bed. When it came time to determine who was going with Mommy and who was going with Daddy for stories, songs and prayers, we asked, "Ok, so who gets Daddy tonight?" I thought both the boys would maybe want Jason for bedtime as he'd been gone for a few days, but Sam said "Matthew!" and Matthew said "Sam!" This is usually the case. Jason laid down on the floor (face down) and pretended to cry. Matthew then knelt beside him, put his arm around and gently said, "Daddy, you can put Sam to bed." When he first started kneeling beside Jason my heart was warmed, but then when I heard his words all I could do was laugh. So Matthew's showing compassion in an egocentric way. Just like any normal two-year old would, I'm sure.

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