Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Now I'll admit that Jason and I don't really celebrate Valentines Day. When you have an anniversary and spend every day together (well, mostly every day) Valentine's Day just seems unnecessary and overly commercialized. But the kids and I have done some Valentine's preparation and celebrating lately. We made a big heart covered in tissue paper, a February calendar covered in hearts and other Valentine's pictures, some heart stencil painting, and of course, heart sugar cookies. Yesterday and today we made heart sugar cookies (we made some both days because the ones we made yesterday didn't make it to today, and we needed some for Valentine's Day, so I made another batch.

Sam especially enjoys decorating the cookies (and eating the sprinkles), and Matthew enjoys it some and everyone enjoys eating the cookies. I took a few pictures of our festivities today.

Sam has very red fingers and lips from eating more sprinkles than cookies.

Abby has a rather odd expression on her face here, but her eyes are just so beautiful that I had to include this picture in the lineup.
 Matthew was done cookie decorating and eating when I took pictures, so I took his picture doing a puzzle. I told him to smile and this is the first face I got from him.
 Then he calmed down and produced a more realistic smile.

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