Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome home, Daddy!

Maybe a year ago or so, I told the boys that they should greet Jason happily when he comes home. They sometimes did that, but sometimes not, so I started coaching them on it a bit. Now, they do love when Jason comes home, but they are often watching their cartoon at that time, so they're distracted. So anyway, many days now when Jason gets home the boys will say, "Welcome home, Daddy!" and run over to him without my prompting.

Abby often gets very excited when Jason gets home too. She usually says "Daddy!" when the garage door opens and gets all squirmy (because I'm almost always holding her at that time in the evening...the before dinner hour is not a good time for her) in her excited way. So yesterday when Jason got home from work he came in the house and Abby said "Daddy!" and clearly wanted me to put her down. So I did and she ran (as fast as she can at this point) until she was about 2 feet away from him then she suddenly stopped, looked at Jason and said "No!" and ran back to me. She was apparently excited about Daddy, but then realized she wasn't that excited. So then today Jason got home and Matthew excitedly ran over to him and gave him a big hug and said "Welcome home, Daddy!" Abby also joined in the festivities and said "Daddy!" and ran over to him. This time she got about a foot away the said, "No!" and again ran away. So close. But so funny. Oh, Abby.

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