Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What do we do all day?

Good question. I was looking back at some posts from a little over a year ago, when Abby was a baby and thought I should write an update on what our life looks like these days. Just as a side note, reading posts from when Abby was 1, 2 and 3 months old reminded me that I really don't want to go back to that stage anytime soon. Jason says he never wants to return to that stage. We'll see.

So here is what our day looks like. The boys usually wake up around 6 or 6:30 and if they don't have to go to the bathroom, they usually stay in their rooms until their clocks turn yellow at 6:45. I usually wake up around 6 and stay in bed as long as I can, usually that's around 6:30 or 6:40. Then breakfast (Jason gets the boys started most mornings). Abby wakes up around 7ish and I take her downstairs for her breakfast which she just picks at and doesn't hardly eat anything unless she's offered yogurt or blueberries which she really likes.

At around 7:15 or 7:30, the kids are done with breakfast and they change their clothes (if they haven't already) and I clean up and sit down for my own breakfast. The kids play by themselves, sometimes quietly, sometimes not. Mid morning involves some sort of cleaning and outings--trips to the Y, grocery store, Target or indoor play areas. Snacks are generally around 10:30 and at that time I read a story or Bible passage about whatever character quality we're focusing on for the time being (right now it's patience). Then there's free play or crafts/painting if I'm ambitious.

The kids watch a cartoon around 11:45 (current favorites are Dinosaur Train, Busytown Mysteries, and Chuck and Friends), then lunch at 12:15. Naps are around 1 for the little ones. Sam and I then do a reading lesson and read a chapter in his latest chapter book or some other picture books. At that time Sam either plays on his own while I do some work or knit or read or prep dinner for the night. Sometimes Sam and I do a science experiment or bake something. Other times we exercise together.

The little ones wake up between 2 and 3 usually and then we have another snack which sometimes includes another storytime or we listen to a story on CD or other kids' music. Then it's time for basement play. If we haven't already been to the basement during the day, we always make it downstairs for the end of the day. The kids run around and jump, of course, and play by themselves. Abby and I usually read some books during this time and she also often joins in the horseplay. I'm usually exhausted by that time and wish to just read a book while doing some hands off parenting, but am often bombarded by "Mommy, watch me!" "Mommy, where's my X Y and Z?" "Mommy, look at what I can do!" "WAHHHHHHAAAHHHHH!"

Around 4:45 the kids pick up their toys (upstairs) and otherwise tidy up the main level of the house. Then they set the table while I do some more dinner prep. 5:15 brings another cartoon break, then dinner around 5:45 or 6. Jason comes home around 5:30 and riles up the kids by tickling, horseplay and other fun daddy-activities.

That's our day in a nutshell. I didn't include all the little cleaning that goes on all day (sweeping, wiping, etc.) and diaper changes, butt wiping, face wiping, mediation and disciplining, as that stuff goes on all day, but you now have a general idea of what things are like in our household. And here are some pictures of our household from today.

Here's a seriously cute, but seriously blurry picture of Abby. Move at least 3 or 4 feet away from your computer for this one.

And here are the boys engaging in their latest "moves" on the couch. They certainly come up with interesting way to entertain themselves!

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