Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I yuv you.

One of Matthew's favorite delay tactics at bedtime (and after bedtime) is to say "Mommy (or Daddy), I have to tell you something". So then the parent turns around (as we are leaving Matthew's bedroom after completing his routine) and Matthew pauses and says "Ummmm..." and then after a 10 seconds or so, he comes up with something totally random to say. The parent involved then interrupts (because Matthew keeps talking and talking and talking) and says something like "Ok, Matthew, nigh night. I love you, see you in the morning" and we again try to walk out. Sometimes we make it out and down the stairs and even sit down for a few minutes watching TV or reading.

Then after a few minutes we will hear, "Daddy! (or Mommy!)". And we'll go over to the stairs and say "What Matthew?" or on nights when we're quite tired we'll say "Go to bed!" rather than seeing what Matthew wants. Anyway, often Matthew responds to our inquiry by saying "I have to tell you something!" then the "Ummmm...." and another random story when we come up to his room.

So, needless to say, when Matthew says, "I have to tell you something" at bedtime Jason and I both are expecting some bedtime delay tactics and a series of random statements from our two-year old. So tonight I was putting Matthew to bed. He was rather riled up from a long afternoon nap, but we got through his routine with little problem and I was just leaving his room when he said, "Mommy, I have to tell you something." I reluctantly turned around wondering what he would come up with tonight. He walked over to me and in a whisper said "I yuv you" then he walked back to bed. Awwwww. I had tears in my eyes. "I love you too, Matthew."

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