Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Guest Post - Jason

  • Public employees should not be allowed to unionize.  Unlike private unions, they have no concerns about their employer going out of business. If private employees are overpaid the company they work for may no longer be competitive and they lose their job.  In the public sector the taxpayers just pay more.  
  • Sam has recently started loudly proclaiming that he has defecated when in fact he has not.  I think there is a childrens book in this somewhere with the title "The boy who cried poop".
  • Is there any chance that China's economy is for real?  The last time they tried to expedite their economic growth they wound up killing roughly 40 million of their citizens (see Great Leap Forward). 
  • Ally has given me instructions on how to order a happy meal.  Apparently I need to tell the person working the counter that I would like a "boy toy".  This make me somewhat uncomfortable. I also find it ironic that due to overactive legislators in San Fran - it is now one of the only places in the country where you cant order a "boy toy".
  • Matthew is one tough kid - at church tonight a metal folding chair fell over and hit him on the head.  He hardly made a peep.  Maybe he has a future in pro-wrestling. (I believe metal folding chairs play a pivotal role in the WWF)
  • For the record - I did get a lot of work done in the basement this weekend (tile on the bathroom floor, baseboard installed and window casing completed) and I even took time to stop to eat.  In fact I had several three course meals (popcorn, ice cream and animal crackers)  How did I survive my bachelor years?

       Thank you for indulging my ramblings - hopefully I haven't done too much damage to the brand.
       (the views of this post do not necessarily reflect the view of this blog)

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