Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Sunday

Tonight we went to Ken and Cheri's to watch the Superbowl, at least part of the Superbowl. We had a nice dinner around 5:30, then Matthew hit his wall so I changed him into his PJs and put him to sleep in a pack-n-play in one of the guest rooms. I knew we'd have to wake him when we left for the evening, but at least it bought us some time beyond the first quarter of the game. We did that with Sam a few times with great success and we'll see how it goes with Matthew. I just put Matthew to bed again (it's 7:45 and we just returned home) and I can hear him talking/fussing to himself on his monitor.

Anyway, Matthew went right to sleep and slept pretty well for about 45 minutes. Then he started crying. We let it go and after a few short minutes he stopped, apparently back to sleep. We continued to watch the game and decided we'd leave at half time. Sam played and played hard. He was actually acting a little crazy as I think he was tired from getting up so early today (5:45AM) and not napping too terribly long. He was just bouncing from one activity to another and doing things that he normally doesn't do like trying to press the buttons on the alarm panel.

Shortly before we were going to leave Sam took one of the large dump trucks that Ken and Cheri have and drove it into the room where Matthew was sleeping. Jason quickly followed and got Sam out of the room before Matthew awoke. When Jason returned, he informed us that Matthew was apparently sleeping while sitting up. Not exactly sitting up, more like slumped over, as he was on his bottom and leaned over so far forward that his head was almost touching the bottom of the pack-n-play. But he was motionless and it seems that he had fallen asleep while crying and sitting up. Interesting.

We eventually got both kids in the van (Matthew was wide awake by this time) and Sam sung incoherently for most of the ride home. Matthew was pretty quiet, but made a few little coos here and there. We got home and went through brief bedtime routines with the kids. As of now, Sam successfully went to sleep, while Matthew apparently is wide awake despite our best efforts. We'll see how the rest of the evening goes.

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