Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sam's rampage

I don't know what happened at 4:30 but Sam suddenly turned into a running terror. It was time for Matthew's bath. Sam had a wonderful day today and I was wondering if he was moving beyond the terrible twos into so other stage. I really had hardly any problems with him and overall, we had an enjoyable day. We did some laundry, mopped the floor, used the mop as a bridge from the Jumperoo to the table, played animals and all sorts of other good things.

Then it was 4:30. I got Matthew's bath ready and he shivered while I got him undressed. The bathroom was really cold so I got the space heater out to warm it up. When I went into the guest room where I keep the heater Sam was rummaging through one of the desk drawers. I told him to get out of there and come play in the bathroom and he grabbed the WhiteOut and ran out of the room. Ugh. Then he started jiggling the gate trying to get it opened. I wasn't about to let the little guy destroy our new and costly gate. So I grabbed him and took him into the bathroom. Then Matthew was undressed and the bathwater was ready. In went Matthew and he started splashing about, playing with rubber duckies and other toys and sliding around on his belly. He loves his baths. Sam then left the room and asked for me to open the gate. As it's just a few paces from the bathroom, I obliged thinking he would go into his room, but instead he went into our room. I could see him grab my pink tinted chapstick and draw on the picture of Jason and I that I keep next to my bed. Sam must have known that I was incapacitated and couldn't leave Matthew. Aargh! I shouted something and stomped toward him a few steps and he ran into our closet. He then came out carrying a clothes basket. Empty, but he carted it down the hall and called to me to open the gate. No deal, buddy. Matthew was happily playing in the tub, completely unaware of the power struggle going on around him. Sam started shaking the gate. "No touch!" I yelled and he stopped. I also asked him to put away the basket and he put it in Matthew's room.

Matthew's bath was done, so I wrapped him up and put on his PJs. Sam was downstairs by that time. We joined him and I started making dinner. Sam grabbed the Lowry's seasoning salt which I used on some chicken and seasoned the floor. I was frantically cutting up tiny bits of food for Matthew so I was a little distracted and Sam again took advantage of it. When Matthew is hungry he needs food immediately and it's a big problem if you are unprepared. Then Sam took the used K-cup out of our Keurig coffee maker and poked his finger into it and dumped out the coffee grounds on the floor. He then went into the pantry and attempted to shut the door. That's a clear sign that he's getting into something which he knows he shouldn't. Seconds later I hear something shattering on the floor. Fortunately it was just some Reeses Pieces and it wasn't anything breakable. I frantically tried to grab them so Sam wouldn't be rewarded for he deviance but he managed to get a few. I then told Sam to get out of the kitchen and Jason walked in the door. Sam ran over to him, "Daddy! Daddy!" and acted as it everything was normal. Well, everything was pretty normal. Just another day in the Kirchhoff house.

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