Monday, February 7, 2011

Look at what Matthew can do!

Today as I was getting Sam ready for his nap Matthew was playing on the floor in Sam's room. This has been our new routine for naps. Matthew plays while I read Sam some stories and sing to him before his nap, then it's Matthew's turn for pre-nap activities. In fact, Sam won't let me leave Matthew downstairs or somewhere else for pre-nap activities, he must come with us. Matthew was playing on the floor by the window in Sam's room while Sam and I were looking for Goldbug in the Cars, Trucks and Things that Go book. After a while, Matthew reached up, grabbed the window sill and stood up. Goodness! I held my hand behind the teetering little one and tried to focus on Goldbug too. Not an easy task. This is the first time Matthew has pulled himself up unassisted.

After the kids' naps (which were blessedly long!) Matthew pulled himself up repeatedly on the drawers to the ottoman and enjoyed reaching for and grabbing toys that he normally can't even see. He was quite proud of himself and I know that my motherly role is becoming more challenging now. He didn't fall at all as he was able to settle himself to sitting easily. I could just envision him taking a header into whatever he pulled himself up on, but that didn't happen yet. As can be seen from the picture, Matthew also decided to try stairs today. He wasn't able to make it past pulling himself up to the first stair, so we are still safe when it comes to stairs.

Then after dinner Matthew was playing on the floor by the table and chairs. The rest of the family was still eating, but Matthew wasn't too keen on the beans and enchiladas I had made. He unsuccessfully tried to pull himself up using the chair and took a hard fall down, but fortunately didn't hit his head on anything. I gasped when he fell, but was quite relieved to see he did not get hurt. That relief did not last, however, as the next time Matthew tried to pull up on the chair, he wasn't able to make it and his head ran into the corner edge of one of the chair legs. He got quite a bump and bruise on his head and cried a lot for him. At first he just had a dark blue line, about a quarter inch wide and 1 inch long, on his forehead, but it gradually grew into a dark blue lump sticking out about a quarter inch. Poor kid. I tried to put some ice on it but he wouldn't have any of that and I didn't want to force the issue. I am going to have to watch the kiddo very closely these days.

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