Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Silly Sam

We went to our church playgroup this morning. When we were cleaning up at the end everyone was helping carry toys from the classroom we meet in back to the nursery where the toys are kept. Sam and another little girl were in the nursery when I walked in with some toys. I overhead Sam say to the little girl, "Play at my house sometime?" He repeated it as she didn't respond. So Sam was hitting on an older girl (she's 3) and inviting her over to our house already. This incident starts to add new meaning to the term "playdate." We'll see how things progress from here but you can bet we won't leave those kids unsupervised again.

Later in the day Sam was having a bout of diarrhea. His demeanor was good unless he was having a BM which caused some crying and a tearful, fussy, "Mommy, I'm poopy!" and he would then walk awkwardly to the laundry room to clean up. After a few diaper changes in an hour I told Sam that sometimes when kids don't feel good it helps to lie down and nap. He responded, "That might work." We tried it, but it didn't work and I told Sam that Daddy was bringing home some medicine (i.e. Pedialyte) so Sam anxiously awaited Jason's return.

After eating some dinner (very little for Sam, very much for Matthew, of course) Sam excused himself and was running around the table singing. The song went something like this, "Lightening McQueen! To us be blest! EE-I-EE-I-O! Papa Don's Papa Don's!" 

Anyway, Sam also had a runny nose to go with his other runs. He had it all day and today was the first day when he wouldn't let his boogies run down out of his nose. He started crying, "Runny nose! Runny nose!" whenever it would even start to run and immediately want his nose wiped or he would do it himself with his sleeve which resulted in smears of boogies across his cheeks from just below his eyes to his chin and all over his shirt sleeve. Yuck. I think I prefer it running down his nose until we wipe it with a kleenex. So tonight Sam was complaining of a runny nose and I told Sam not to wipe it with his sleeve but to blow his nose into a kleenex. Apparently he understood the "blow your nose" part of the command but not the "into a kleenex" because he then pulled his shirt collar up over his nose and blew into his shirt. Double yuck. I'm sure he's seen me sneeze into my shirt collar before and misinterpreted my actions to be blowing my nose. We'll have to work on correcting that one.

Lately Jason and I have been mulling over the idea of another child and so tonight we asked Sam if he would like another baby around someday. Sam said, "We have Matthew." As in, one is enough. We talked about it some more and Sam said, "I want a kitty. And doggie." But not a baby. For now, Baby Matthew is enough and, no, we will not be getting a kitty or doggie anytime soon. Sorry Sam.

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