Friday, February 25, 2011

Conversational tid bits

Sam's language is really exploding these days in terms of putting words together to make sentences. To give you some idea of what our conversations are like these days I thought I write a few tid bits from today.

Sam: What's your hair doing, Mommy?
Me: (How do you respond to that?) Do you like my hair?
Sam: Nope. You got haircut.

At the Children's Museum today Sam was talking to a little girl and looking out the window in the reading room.
Sam: Look at that! Daddy work! (pointing to Jason's building) Up high!
Little girl: Stares at Sam (she is much younger and doesn't seem to talk much).
Sam: Look at that! We eat french fries! (points to McDonalds across the street where we had met Jason for lunch earlier in the week)
Little girl: Stares at Sam

Me: How are you doing Sam?
Sam: Great! Mommy great! Daddy great! Matthew great! Grammy great! Papa great!

On the car ride to the children's museum:
Sam: Look at that! Parking garage! Look at that, bus! Look at that, excavator! Look at that, school bus!

I wish I could remember more but I'm rather tired from Sam's 5AM wake ups this week and my brain in not in top form right now. I'll have to write more later. To finish up, I included a picture of Sam and Jason building the latest parking garage. Notice Sam's new haircut.

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