Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Matthew's 9 months

This morning Matthew woke just before 5 for an early breakfast. He ate then went back to sleep until 8:30. 8:30!!! Wow. I had fallen back asleep after feeding Matthew and was woken up by the sound of doors slamming. My first thought was, What is Jason doing? Through my fuzzy vision, I saw Sam coming into the bedroom. He had apparently excitedly opened his door (slamming it into the door stopper), then opened our bedroom door, also slamming it into the door stopper.

Sam and I had a leisurely breakfast and playtime while Matthew slept in. When we heard Matthew stirring on the monitor, Sam said, "Matthew awake! I get him. You stay here, drink coffee." Hmmm. What does Sam think he's going to do when he says, "I get him"? The last time Sam said, "I get him," he went upstairs into Matthew's room, jumped into Matthew's crib and gleefully jumped around while Matthew grumpily cried. I was not going to let that happen again, so we both went quickly up the stairs and I got Matthew up while Sam opened the shades and shut off the white noise machine.

Matthew's 9 mo. appointment was at 10AM. His stats were: 22 lbs (75th percentile) and 30 in (90th percentile). This means that he is now too big for his infant car seat. I was hoping it would last another month through the cold winter as getting a baby in an infant seat and keeping him warm is so much easier with an infant seat versus a larger convertible car seat. Ugh. It is not to be, though, so this afternoon before nap we went car seat shopping. Now I have to get Matthew and Sam both dressed in hats, mittens and winter coats before going out anywhere whereas I used to be able to pack Matthew in the car seat, cover him with a blanket or the insulating cover, pop him and the seat into the base and we were off. Getting Sam into his seat in an entirely different challenge--in fact, it's probably my most frustrating toddler challenge at the moment. Now errands and such will become a new challenge as I have to transport and strap two little ones into their seats. Such is life with small kids. We'll see how it goes. Anyway, after picking out a new car seat, Matthew fell asleep on the car ride home and when we returned I carefully carried him and his seat up to his room where he could finish his last car seat-to-crib transition nap ever.

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