Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Matthew's check up

Matthew had his one year check up this morning. He was quite a happy camper in the waiting room playing with the toys and other items. He was squealing with delight and pointing at all the nice pictures of animals on the wall. When we got to the exam room and out of his clothing he was fine then too. But when the nurse came in and started approaching him, he lost it and cried horribly. Nothing had happened yet, no shots, no examination, nothing. All I can think is that he maybe remembered something about his previous appointment and wasn't happy about his recollections. He was very disturbed throughout the appointment and especially, understandably, during the shots and taking a blood sample. Poor kid! After getting him dressed, we cuddled a while so he could calm down before walking through the waiting room so as to not disturb the other children. Fortunately, Sam was at Grammy and Papa's during the appointment so I didn't have to try to take care of him as well as Matthew as I'm pretty sure Sam would have lost it too with all of Matthew's crying. Anyway, Matthew is taking a nap now after exerting himself so much this morning.

His stats are as follows:
Weight: 25 lb, 75th percentile
Height: 32 in, 93rd percentile

I can't believe there are kids much bigger (in terms of weight) than Matthew! He seems to be such a load, but I guess I should be thankful he's not even bigger. Well, he's a growing healthy boy. He also added a new word to his vocab recently, "Ch ch" which means, "Choo choo". He's really getting a kick these days out of the train near our house and eagerly says "Ch ch!" and points when he sees it.

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