Monday, May 9, 2011

A few of our favorite things...

Sam's favorites:
  • Jumping. Off of anything he can climb onto. Or while on the floor. Just jump. Whenever, wherever. (Did I mention Sam got a bloody nose from jumping off a piece of furniture which he wasn't supposed to jump off of last week?)
  • Cars. Of course. Our bribe for potty training. (Although I think Jason likes the new cars almost as much as Sam...)
  • Animals. Dogs, kitties, bunnies, he likes to hug his favorites in books.  
  • Books. Current favorites include Berenstein Bears, cars, trucks, dinosaurs, animals, he reads almost anything these days and just loves it!
  • Playing outside. Jumping, running, climbing, freedom!
  • Cartoons on TV. Especially Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the Berenstein Bears.
  • Procrastinating, especially at bedtime, when getting dressed, leaving the house to go anywhere or leaving another location to return home. He is a toddler. It is a rite of passage.
  • Saying "no".
  • Screaming when told "no" by Mom or Dad.
  • Swimming lessons. Just don't get his hair wet. 
  • Jumping...on the bed. Our bed, his bed, whatever bed he can climb onto and start jumping before he is stopped by Mom or Dad.
  • Being and proclaiming himself to be "Naked Boy!"
  • Hmmm...Foods... Sam doesn't eat much these days. But he does like watermelon, fries, ketchup, fruit snacks, raisins, cheetos, most sweets, anything else is hit or miss. One day he likes it the next day he doesn't.
  • Baa Baa.
 Matthew's favorites:
  • Blankie. Whenever he is put to bed he pulls his blanket over his head and tunes out the world. 
  • Music. He loves to dance, he bobs his head, bends his knees, etc. whenever he hears music. Even if it's music in a store or when we're walking by a store with loud music at the mall.
  • Pancakes. He eats more than I do. 
  • Mac and cheese.
  • Cheese.
  • Most fruits (except watermelon and raisins...)
  • Walking around while pushing anything...the John Deere, chairs, stools, boxes...anything that will slide/roll on the floor.
  • The washing machine and dryer. Sometimes Matthew will just disappear during the day. Most likely he's in the laundry room watching the contents of the dryer do laps.(Comment from Jason to Jamie and my Dad - maybe you will have someone to watch NASCAR with you soon.)
  • Trains. Cars. Tractors.
  • Waving. He waves at almost anyone these days. At the park the other day some men were playing softball and he waved at them. He waved at Jason while he was mowing the lawn every time he rode by us. He loves to wave. 
  • Pointing. He points and we tell him what it is. 
  • Climbing. Oh my, this kid is going to break something. As in a bone. He climbs up on stuff he in no way should be climbing on. Goodness.
  • Crawling fast toward open doors...dishwasher doors, outdoor doors, open gates, washing machine doors, toilet lids, oven door, refrigerator door, pantry, cabinets, open shower curtains...
  • Going to bed. When he is ready, you had better just put him in bed. Don't try to read to him, rock him or sing to him. Just put him in bed or you will face the screaming, squirming wrath of Matthew.

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