Monday, May 30, 2011

A hot spring day!

Well, after some morning showers it shot up to 88 this afternoon. We took advantage of the heat to spend some time outside and fortunately, found a lot of shade to enjoy. The kids had snacks on the deck and Matthew, who is usually restrained in a booster seat during meals and snacks enjoyed the freedom of being able to grab some snack (cheese and crackers) or his plate and walk around, find a new place to sit and enjoy his snack wherever he pleased. He also enjoyed easy access to Sam's snack as he frequently went over to Sam's plate and would take Sam's crackers then walk off. Sam takes Matthew's toys, Matthew takes Sam's food.

The kids had some other wonderful displays of brotherly affection (or lack of). For example, Matthew was playing with his garbage truck on the deck when Sam came over, took it, and placed it in the middle of the table on our deck, where it was, of course, out of Matthew's reach. Sam also came up behind Matthew while he was walking in the grass and pushed him down. Such love. I'm sure I will fondly remember these times when years down the road the fights get much more dangerous. For now, though, I try to tell Matthew "no" and redirect him and Sam gets a time out or a toy taken away. We try our best.

Jason mowed the lawn this afternoon too, and the kids had a lot of fun watching him from the safety of the deck. Jason does his rounds and Matthew loves to excitedly wave at him while he's passing. Sam even tolerates the John Deere, as he used to prefer to remain in the house when Jason was mowing. Matthew even got to ride the mower when Jason was all done. After I snapped some pictures Matthew decided he'd like to steer, but I had already put away the camera so I didn't get any pictures of that. Sam did not want to ride the John Deere. I don't think he's rode it yet, but I can't remember for sure if he tried it last summer. Maybe he did. Anyway, even Matthew's bravery did not convince him to try it out. Maybe later in the summer he'll be ready to try it out.

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