Friday, May 13, 2011

The finer points of conversation

Sam has apparently been learning about conversation lately. His favorite question during meal times is, "How's your day, Mommy?" (or "Mama", something he is apparently picking up from the Berenstein bears books...I'm not sure I like being called Mama...). He will ask during breakfast, lunch and dinner. And he goes around the table, "How's your day, Mommy?" and "How's Matthew's day?" and "Daddy, how's your day?". He follows up his question to Jason by asking, "How's your meetings today?". It's fun to hear him ask his questions and he asks very seriously and listens and looks at whoever he asks intently while they respond. 

We've also realized just how much Sam is picking up and can relay later. For example, this morning Sam was telling Jason about how we went to a playground yesterday but it started raining really hard so we had to go home and watch Mickey Mouse and Matthew napped. I don't know why it's surprising to see how good his memory is and to hear him be able to talk about our day's events so clearly and accurately, but it is. Which means, A) there are no more secrets about our daily activities...Sam will certainly tell Jason of any expenditures and outings and B) we'd better watch what we say or it may be repeated to someone outside of our family circle...

Matthew contributes to conversations by mimicking Sam's laughter or other noises. He often squeals, mimics random sounds and shakes his head and does similar motions that he sees us doing (like clasping his hands and bowing his head to pray before dinner). He is becoming quite theatrical and will do anything to get a laugh out of us which then results in his delightful laughter too. He doesn't seem to have added to his vocabulary lately, but his saying of "Daddy" is clear and delightful too and could be understood by anyone these days. I try to get him to say Mommy, and he sometimes makes a sound like "Ma..Ma.." but I don't think he actually connects the sound as a reference to me at this point. It's a start, though, and before we know it he'll be talking up a storm and asking, "How's your day Mommy?"

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