Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Partial compliance

I've mentioned before Sam's methods of complying with Jason and my requests. He seems to find the most infuriating way to do what we ask him to do, but not really do what we ask him to do. He does something so that we question, "Did he really comply or was he actually being defiant?" The problem is that he is complying in a defiant way. Case in point. Last night I asked Sam to pick up his train tracks before going up for bath and bedtime. He first of all started throwing them off the ottoman onto the floor. Ok. That is definitely not compliant enough, so I Jason reiterated that they needed to go into the storage tote. So he stood next to the ottoman with the storage tote behind him and started dropping the pieces of train track behind his back, sometimes hitting the tote and sometimes not. So that is complying...isn't it? Hmmmmm....We still made him pick up the ones off the floor that missed the tote. They eventually all got put away.

Another case. One the way up to bed, Sam grabbed a bucket and started loading it up with toys to take upstairs with him. Now, I don't mind if he takes one or two toys to sleep with, but definitely not a bucketful. So I told him the toys had to stay downstairs. He was really upset about it and started crying and fussing. I reiterated my request, then he started throwing the toys out of the bucket and said he could take the bucket up. Well, he did comply with my request since I said nothing about the bucket.  How does he pick up on that nuance? Honestly, he reminds me soooooo much of Jason at times like these. He complies in an arghhhhh!!! sort of way. Like when I ask Jason what he's reading and he says something like "A book". Smarty-pants.

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