Friday, May 6, 2011

Mostly words of Sam

Last night we were reading a Berenstein Bears book about pets, so I asked Sam if he wanted a doggy someday (not that we're going to get one anytime soon, or ever...) and he said yes. I asked if he wanted a kitty and he said yes. I then asked him what kind of pet he really wanted he said, "I want a doggy". And the he said, "Matthew gets a kitty." And I asked what Daddy gets..."He gets a rat." How about Mommy? "She's gets a rat."

Then this morning I was telling Sam that he'd get a sticker if he went pee pee on the potty. He's been using it a lot these days, usually without prompting, he just goes on his own. However, he didn't go yet this morning, so I was trying to prod him to try it out. He said in a very serious voice, "But my pee's not coming!"

Then after a fun morning at the zoo we returned home. I was loading up the dishwasher and went around the corner by the garage door entrance to grab the morning's sippy cups to put into the dishwasher. I heard Sam say, "Mommy, look at Matthew." So I came around the corner and there was Matthew sitting on the open dishwasher door. I said, "No Matthew!" And quickly picked him up and off the door and set him on the floor. He shrieked and shrieked in frustration at the change of plans. Sam said, "I don't like Matthew's noises." Then I noticed Matthew's hands were covered in tomato paste as he managed to get his grubby hands on some spoons from last night's meal prep. While I was trying to quickly close the dishwasher door, Matthew crawled over to me, leaving tomato paste handprints on the floor which I had just vacuumed and mopped before our zoo outing. Why do I even try?

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