Thursday, May 19, 2011

Matthew's walking!

Yesterday there was something different about Matthew. For weeks he had preferred to walk while having someone hold his hands. He was really pretty steady and I thought for sure he'd be able to walk more on his own (beyond a few steps) if he really wanted to. But he didn't want to, and so he'd just push around his John Deere while walking or hold someone's hands.

But then yesterday he just tried walking. And he made it 4 feet before reaching his destination one time, then another time he went 6 feet! He didn't fall at all, just walked slowly and steadily until he reached whatever it was that he was walking to. It was like he just determined that he's ready so he's going to walk. He still crawls most of the time, but the fact is that he can walk, at least 6 feet. Wow! That's much better than the 1-2 feet he'd been able to do before. I'm excited to see how much farther he can go.

In the evening the kids were playing in Sam's room while I was getting stuff ready for their baths. Matthew was walking around some and Sam got so excited he exclaimed, "Matthew's walking!" then turned quickly into his door frame. He cried badly for awhile and afterward he had a huge egg on his forehead. It's stretches from hairline to eyebrows and is about an inch wide. It stuck out around 1/4-1/2 inch too, although it's fortunately gone down today and is just a little black and blue. Poor kid!

Matthew also popped out another tooth yesterday, so now he has five. Three on top, two on bottom.

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