Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bedtime antics

Well, Sam has some pretty strange bedtime antics. All of them are clearly to get our attention and get us to spend more time with him. Apparently delaying bedtime is a common little kid tactic, and as Sam clearly reads the books on what he's supposed to be doing at various developmental stages, he's picked up on delaying bedtime in a variety of ways. Some of his more interesting tactics include:
  • getting out of bed and throwing books down the stairs
  • turning on the lights and fans in all the rooms upstairs (except for Matthew's) and then slamming the doors shut
  • creeping down the stairs partway and waiting there until Jason or I notice (and falling asleep there, as happened last week)
He also tries some common little kid tactics including:
  • "mommy, cover me up!"
  • "I need a drink"
  • "I have to go pee pee"
 He also delays bedtime through conversation:
Sam: Mommy, where you going?
Me: I'm going to take a shower
Sam: Then you go to the kitchen?
Me: yes, then the kitchen
Sam: Then where? Downstairs?
Me: Maybe, maybe the basement
Sam: Not the basement, go downstairs
Me: We'll see. Good night Sam, I'll see you in the morning
Sam: Good night, I'll see you in the morning
Me: Good night (I'm walking out the room)
Sam: I'll see you in the morning (his voice is escalating...)
Me: Good night (I'm walking down the stairs)
Sam: I'll see you in the morning! (louder voice)
Me: (I don't respond)
Sam: I'll see you in the morning! I'll see you in the morning! (Screaming, frantic...Jason intervenes at this point...)

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