Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A yucky evening

I'm warning you, this is going to be a yucky post. Anyway, tonight I took Matthew up for his bath and then bed. I ran some water in the tub and started undressing Matthew. I peeked in his diaper and didn't see anything yucky so I took the diaper off and popped him into the tub. He started pointing at some toys that he wanted and I pulled out a bath book that we had which he started looking at. Then I noticed some black and brown specks floating in the tub. I thought maybe it was some sand that had gotten into his diaper when we were playing this afternoon, so I looked into his diaper which was lying on the floor and saw a big smear of poop. Yuck. So he had a yucky diaper and a yucky bottom, the latter of which was now in the bath tub. That explains the floaties. I grabbed him out of the tub and placed him face down over my legs and wiped down his bottom with wipes. He continued to happily look over his book. I then drained the water and cleaned the tub and started over with bath. How could I miss something like that? I really didn't see anything! Ugh.

Anyway, we had an uneventful bath otherwise and then got him into his PJs and read some books. While we were reading, Sam came into Matthew room. He smiled a little and said, "Mommy I went poop." Ok..."In the toilet?" I asked excitedly. He's not gone No 2 on the toilet since last September but we've been encouraging him to try so I thought maybe there was a breakthrough. "No, on the floor," he replied. Ok..."Where's daddy?" I asked. "In the basement playing red guys blue guys" (translation: Halo on the Xbox) was Sam's reply. Ok..."Where did you go poopy?" I asked. "I show you," Sam said. I tried to calmly rock Matthew and put him in his crib. He wasn't too happy about the abbreviated bedtime routine and cried some, but I had more pressing matters at the moment. I only hoped Sam had done his deed on the wood floor and not the carpet. We made our way downstairs and approached the bathroom and sure enough, there was Sam's present, just outside the bathroom door. Despite the yuckiness of the situation, I was somewhat encouraged for two reasons 1) it was on the wood floor and 2) it was near the bathroom. We cleaned up the mess and Sam happily flushed what he'd produced down the toilet.

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