Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Playing outside at home

It was nice out yesterday and actually for the past few days, so we've spent lots of time outside. I love being outside and so do the kids. Although Sam would probably happily play inside with cars all day, I force him out the door and into some other activities. So what do we do?

Well, usually I suggest that we go outside to play and Matthew or Sam will go open the deck door and head out (yes, Matthew too can open the screen door to the deck). They run around the deck maybe, then head into the grass. Usually I start off in the sandbox where yesterday we made a big mountain of sand and Sam buried most of his construction trucks in it. That was after he threw all his toys out of the sandbox, saying that they were dirty. Uh, yeah...We got over playing with dirty trucks and built mountains. Matthew practices shoveling with little hand shovels and has absolutely no fear of being dirty. Sam then drove his trucks (that weren't buried) up the mountain and made big tracks in the mountain. He then stepped and jumped on it. Two days ago after playing in the sandbox for awhile, Sam said, "Mommy I pooped" and then he got out, took off his shorts and underwear and went into the house to clean up. Ugh. I grabbed Matthew and helped him clean up.

Anyway, after some sandbox time, we kick balls around, each kid generally kicks their own by themselves. Matthew in particular, is perfectly content going off and grabbing a ball, trying to throw it around or kick it around alone. Sam likes some more interaction and as he is in the "show off" stage he frequently asks for my attention. When we see an airplane flying overhead we point it out (everyone points to the sky) and talk about airplanes. Yesterday Sam said that Daddy was flying home in an airplane. I asked if the airplane would land in the yard here, and he said, "No, on the deck." Ok.

There is lots of running and jumping too. Sam likes to take a riding toy and run it across the yard to the neighbor's fence. He then runs back. And repeats. Matthew likes to try climbing on things which he really shouldn't be climbing. Like yesterday he climbed onto these little toddler chairs which are really unstable and just stood up completely on them without holding on. Goodness. He didn't flip or crash, but those chairs were quickly overturned and set aside. Matthew hasn't figured out how to set them upright yet, but when he does, he'll probably be old enough to actually climb on them. For now, he's just too little.

What else? If that doesn't take up our afternoon or morning, we got out chalk and bubbles as I posted a while ago. Or we'll take the trike to the driveway and Sam will ride from one side of the driveway to the other, each time he reaches the side he shouts "I did it!" Then he turns around and does it again.

Other times we work. We water the plants, check out the garden (e.g. the 6 raspberry plants I planted this spring), pull weeds, pick up sticks. Things like that. I guess I work, and Sam helps occasionally, and Matthew wanders around doing whatever he does. I wonder what he's thinking?

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