Thursday, June 23, 2011

Potty problems

I wish I didn't have to write so often about the children's bodily elimination, but that seems to be an issue that comes up frequently in our house, so here's yet another post about the potty.

It begins with Matthew. I was getting him ready for bath and undressing him. When he was finished and before I got him into the tub, he started peeing. On the bathroom rug. Which I had just washed two days ago. Which I only wash about every two months. Can you believe this kid's timing? Again, why do I even try to keep things clean and maintained? Anyway, the rug will be washed again tonight, for the second time in two days.

While Matthew was bathing, Sam was getting himself undressed as he was going to take a bath after Matthew. He stripped and ran around naked for awhile, then went on the toilet to relieve himself. I was happy that he had taken the initiative to go without me telling him, but was unhappy by the next words that came out of his mouth. They were "I pee pee far, Mommy!" You can imagine what was going on. He sits to pee currently and he had aimed himself so that his pee pee was going across the bathroom. "Oh no, Sam, point it down!" I said. We've worked on that from day one and he usually has no problem with it, but apparently he's learned that it's fun to make his pee pee go far. Hopefully he won't repeat that stunt, although it does solve the mystery of how the wall across from the toilet in the downstairs bathroom was wet earlier today...

P.S. Sam's use of the toilet for No. 2 has not been an isolated incident!

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