Sunday, June 5, 2011


After hitting some garage sales this weekend Girl Kirchhoff is well on her way to having a fully stocked wardrobe for the first year of her life. The first place I stopped belonged to an obviously well clothed little girl, so it was exactly what I was looking for. A lot of the stuff still had tags on it and I spent $10 and got 17 pieces of clothing, most of which were one-piece outfits. So cute. Cheri also went shopping and got some clothes for the little one. Jason commented that she already had more clothes than the boys. I told him to get used to it. The boys didn't get totally left out, they each got two shirts as well as some books. We've read Sam's books over and over and both donned a "new" shirt today. Jason and I ended up with nothing, which is typical now that we're parents, right? The little clothes are washed and folded and in the closet...we're just now sure what room will be her's, though.

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