Friday, June 3, 2011

Want some soup?

I usually don't post twice in a day, but couldn't pass up writing about this one. So tonight we had hot dogs and ate at the island. Jason and I were talking after dinner while the kids were playing. Actually, Sam was washing his hands (which takes a very long time...) and Matthew was bouncing all over the place. He went to the ottoman, paused for a second, wandered by my chair through the kitchen, to Sam in the bathroom. Then to the laundry room, back to the ottoman, past my chair, pausing for a second or two at some drawers in the kitchen (which is not unusual), and back on to the bathroom. He never stopped anywhere for more than 1-2 seconds. After talking a minute or so with Jason I started suspecting something nefarious was occurring with Matthew. What tipped me off? Well, he hadn't emerged from the bathroom and was quiet. I wandered over to the bathroom not prepared for what I would see. Well, Matthew had my soup ladle and was ladling toilet water out of the toilet onto the floor...and from the looks of the floor, it was clear he had already ladled a good deal of toilet water out of the toilet. I let out a huge gasp and grabbed Matthew and his soup ladle. Jason disgustedly shouted, "Throw it out! Throw it away!" but I quickly threw it into the dishwasher. Jason can be so dramatic about anything related to elimination of bodily wastes. Anyway, I set Matthew down and he resumed his wandering, or rather strutting, because he really seemed to be walking prouder after his bathroom activities. Jason and I stifled laughs after the shock of what had occurred and really didn't know what to do. How do you reprimand a 1 year old? I told him "No" and removed him from the situation, but he's at that age that he consequences and the like just don't make sense to him and are ineffective. Anyway, we've had a fun evening and invite you all over for soup sometime.

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