Thursday, June 2, 2011

Some tid bits

Oh, Sam was quite funny today. This afternoon I was planting a few flowers in a planter when he said he was going to get a flower to plant too. We were on the deck and he wandered into the house. I wondered what he was talking about, but he shortly arrived on the deck with a plant that he had uprooted from a planter in the front of the house. He was so proud of himself.

Then later he was taking a very long time washing his hands after dinner. Jason called out to him, "Sam?" and Sam answered, "Yes, dear?" I never call Jason "Dear" so that's something he's apparently caught onto from his father.

After his bath we went to the main level and Sam asked, "Perhaps we go to the basement?" What two-year old says "Perhaps"??? Are you kidding me? I asked him what he said and he responded, "Perhaps we go to the basement?" Oh my goodness.

We eventually did go to the basement for a few minutes before bedtime and Jason played Halo on the XBox. Sam got his controller and played too. Sam's controller doesn't have batteries, but he doesn't seem to care. Jason kept telling him what buttons to push and he obliged and enjoyed their video game together.

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