Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I don't quite understand the kids' destructive behavior. Now, it's really not that bad, but occasionally it is manifested and I just wonder, "Why?". For example, today Sam was down in the basement when he started grabbing whatever was close by him and hurling it under the couch, which was in reclined position. There went the car pillow, then a block, then a sock, then...whatever he could find. What is that about? I wonder, "Why?" and then, "Is a girl going to do that too?" He'd spin around, grab something new and chuck it, then he would run around wildly, grab something new, chuck it and repeat.

Matthew also has destructive tendencies. Lately he's been interested in playing with blocks. He seems to enjoy wooden blocks better than MegaBlocks right now and he likes to make little towers of them, usually stacking 2-3 blocks on top of each other. Then he yells, "Go! Go!" and swings his hand into his little tower, sending the blocks flying. It's followed by laughs. Then he repeats. Another little tower, another yell of "Go!" and another swing of the arm and the blocks go flying.

Both kids enjoy playing in the sandbox. And both kids also seem to enjoy being destructive in the sandbox. They like to make sand mountains consisting of basically a bucket of sand overturned. Then they like even better to stomp on them. Their stomps are joined with laughs and then they want more sand castles/mountains made, just for the purpose of destruction.

Altogether, though, their destruction is relatively mild and relegated to "proper" settings. It isn't directed against each other, it doesn't involve my knitting projects or dishes and it usually doesn't involve throwing food, drinks or the like around. It just exists and the kids seem to enjoy it. So, go ahead, kids, be destructive, just keep it contained.

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