Tuesday, July 26, 2011


It seems that throughout my day things happen that I think I should blog about. But then by the time evening comes and the kids are in bed (usually the only time I have time to blog) 1) I have forgotten what I was going to write about and 2) I'm too tired to write anything. Anyways, sorry about the dearth of posts over the past few months. I guess life is just like that these days. Somehow I don't think that will be improving over the next few months, or even years.

Yesterday we set up the inflatable swimming pool in the backyard. I didn't get it out last week as it was too hot for me and the kids to be outside, even when swimming. So I got it out yesterday. Sam didn't take a nap yesterday so I was happy to fill the pool and give him something else to do for the afternoon. He happily waded around in the pool and would occasionally submerge his entire body (except for his head) and "swim" from one side of the pool to the other (it's only about 5 feet long). Much of his pool playtime involved filling the measuring cups I had brought out with water, using one of my large kitchen spoons to "mix" and bringing the filled cups over to me, telling me they were various food creations. His favorites were pasta (it was very tasty) and water mixed with honey and sugar. We had pasta for lunch yesterday so that's where that came from, but the water with honey and sugar is a mystery to me.

Matthew was napping in the beginning, but awoke shortly after we started swimming. He too didn't take much of an afternoon nap. Days like that are so long and tiring for me. But the kids were pretty happy, so it wasn't too trying, other that I was just exhausted. Anyway, Matthew didn't want to do anything but sit on my lap for about the first 45 minutes he was outside. Yes, he just sat on my lap, and reclined on my stomach and chest (over my growing bump). Eventually he warmed up and decided to play with the measuring cups. He didn't want to get in the water, so I didn't push it, but he happily filled a measuring cup with water and took drinks from it or just poured it out on the grass. Over and over and over. He was soaked shortly after he started playing (I hadn't changed him into swimming attire), so I stripped his clothes off and let him run around in his diaper. Sam also decided to strip at that time, so he took off his swimming trunks and went naked. The pool was mostly shaded at that time, so I didn't worry about his parts that rarely see the light of day, seeing the light of day. I also didn't really worry about the neighbors seeing him as they haven't been out much lately and even if they were, I doubt they would care. So there was naked Sam and diaper-clad Matthew enjoying some time in the swimming pool.

It was a pretty fun afternoon. The weather was beautiful and the kids were happy. We had snack outside (yea!!!! the mess is outside!!!! I don't have to sweep!!!!) and altogether, spent almost 3 hours swimming and playing outside yesterday afternoon. The kids had early baths (before dinner) to wipe off the grime of swimming and sunscreen and they were fresh and refreshed when Jason returned home. Not that they were really relaxed or even in a subdued state from all the sunshine and play and lack of napping. How they have so much energy is a mystery. One of the many mysteries of little boys.

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