Thursday, July 14, 2011

Matthew needs a nap

When Matthew is ready for nap he doesn't engage in the usual little kid signals to show that he's tired. He really doesn't cry too much or meltdown. On occasion he does cry, but that's not out of the ordinary for a kid who is frequently hungry, doesn't like a dirty diaper and gets picked on by his older brother, so it's not always a good indication of tiredness. Instead, he chooses other signals.

For example, yesterday when Matthew was ready for a nap he went over to the gate at the bottom of the stairs and started shaking them furiously. I asked if he was ready for nap and he nodded. Other times he just simply slows down. He stops bouncing from place to place and simply stands still somewhere for more than 5 seconds. He may be playing with a particular toy, looking out the window or reading, but he is still for an unusual amount of time. On these occasions you ask Matthew if he's ready for a nap and he'll often nod, then start blowing kisses and saying "nigh nigh". Really, it's that easy. Today I was working in the kitchen when Matthew was playing behind me. I can't really remember what he was playing with but I washed up at the sink and turned around and he was laying, stomach-down, on the kitchen floor. Just laying there. Clear indication of tiredness. Doesn't get much more obvious than that. He fussed some when I got him into his crib, but quickly he was out. It really is amazing how kids can communicate so much without using many words.

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