Thursday, July 28, 2011

Something about hats

The kids have a tendency to put things on their heads. I don't know how it began, but it is a regular occurrence at our house. Matthew likes to grab the kitchen towels and drape them over his head and walk around like the Virgin Mary. Both like to grab various buckets, totes and bags and put them on their heads (...definitely don't allow this without proper supervision). I believe this started when Jason showed them how the storage totes for kids' toys made nice helmets. So all the toys they're storing get dumped out and the totes end up on the head.

Yesterday we were playing in the driveway and Sam was riding his tricycle. He's really getting good at riding at it, he goes fast and makes sharp turns and even races toward me and manages to successfully stop within inches of where I'm at. So anyway, Sam was riding his tricycle and he came over to me and said he was going to get something. Ok. So he rode into the garage (Matthew either followed him or pushed a riding toy back and forth across the driveway) and emerged with an empty ice cream pail. I asked what was in it and he said nothing. I told him he had to fill it with something, so he went back into the garage and emerged with the pail and filled with an empty plastic plant container (quart size).  I thanked him for the gift and he went back to riding the tricycle. Matthew then took the plant container and, of course, put it on his head. He proudly walked around, sometimes managing to go a few feet without it falling off. He looked like a little Shriner with his hat. I got quite a laugh out of it and when Sam realized how much I was laughing and how much attention Matthew was getting, he thought he'd better start wearing the ice cream pail. So he put on the ice cream pail, said he was in a parade and went back to riding the tricycle. Oh, what a laugh I got. The simple joys of being a parent of small kids.

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