Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Pretty much since the kids started talking we started working on saying "please" and "thank you". We still have to remind Sam almost all the time to say please, but he seems to say "thank you" much more often. It appears that he is starting to get it. For example, yesterday we were getting ready to leave a friends' house so we were starting to pick up toys. Here is a snippet of our conversation:

Me: Sam, help put away toys.
Sam: No thank you.

Just another situation where he is reminding me that he is indeed two years old. Matthew seems to have jumped on the manners bandwagon too. He often asks for items (usually without words, just pointing, crying, nodding, etc. until we get him what he's asking for or figure out what he's asking for and say "No") but when he is given the particular item, he says "day doo". Now, that really doesn't seem like "Thank you" but the context in which he uses it and the way he says it, makes it unmistakable that he is actually saying "Thank you."

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