Friday, February 24, 2012

Abby's 4 mo update

On Wednesday Abby had her 4 month old appt. Can't believe the little girl is 4 months old already, but at the same time it seems like we've always had her and can hardly remember life before she arrived (although there are a lot of things I can't remember these days). Anyway, here are her stats compared to the boys. The percentiles are different for boys and girls, so that's why Abby weighs less than Sam at this age, but she's in a higher percentile.

Abby: 14 lb 7 oz (80%)
Sam: 15 lb 4 oz (50%)
Matthew: 18 lb (95%)

Abby: 25 3/4 in (90%)
Sam: 26 1/2 in (90%)
Matthew: 27 1/2 in (100+ %)

So all the kids are pretty tall. And Abby and Matthew are pretty weighty. Matthew, goodness, 18 lbs at 4 months? Almost 4 pounds more than Abby? I remember Matthew being a big baby, but wow, that's big.

As far as other milestones, Abby is doing exactly what she should be doing for her age. She's rolling over (again), reaching for toys, laughing, squealing and of course, talking. By rolling over again, I mean that Abby started rolling over from her back to tummy a month ago. Shortly before Jason went on his work trip to Orlando in January I told him that Abby would probably master rolling over when he was gone. Well, she did master rolling over, and she did her first roll just before Jason left to catch his plane (and he witnessed it and I did not). And she rolled over probably 10 or 15 times that day. And then she stopped. She didn't roll over the next day or the next or the next or even for the 4 weeks after that. You couldn't help her or nudge her to roll over, she simply did not want to roll over again. And then this week she started again. Funny kid. Guess she wasn't really too into it. Guess she does what she wants when she wants. As those who've met Abby know, she can be quite opinionated. For those who've met Jason, you know where she gets it from.

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