Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

While Jason and I don't get into Valentines Day too much, we still chose to celebrate it today with the kids in our own little ways. We had a typical morning, other than I made cheesecake for our romantic dinner this evening. After Abby awoke from her afternoon nap, the Valentines festivities began. We started off with Valentine's crafts. I drew a heart on paper and the kids used glue and bits of paper to decorate their hearts. Sam then wanted to decorate a car, so I had to exercise my artistic skills to draw a car which he then decorated.

I guess that was our only festivity for the day, other than our cheesecake dessert. Matthew looked forward to the cheesecake all afternoon, while Sam was hankering for a Valentine's sucker that he got from Grammy and Papa. So after a romantic family dinner of calzones, we had our raspberry topped cheesecake. Abby even got to participate (she sat in the Bumbo chair on top of the table) as she stayed up until 6:15 or so tonight.

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