Sunday, February 26, 2012

No more cookies, Matthew

A few weeks ago my parents came up for a visit and Grandma Sue made a bunch of cookies. Matthew had one or two, then I told him no more cookies. This is how he reacted.

Oh my...he's only gotten this face maybe two other times. Most of the time when Matthew is faced with a command he doesn't like, he throws his head back and wails. But this time and a few others, his lower lip quivers, his eyes narrow and he just looks terrible. Terrible. And it isn't just a momentary look, it builds, he looks around, quivering lip, droopy eyes, and it goes on for a few minutes. I mean, he did it long enough for Grandpa Don to grab the camera and snap these shots. It's a heart breaking face, but in retrospect it also makes me smile. Oh Matthew, Matthew, Matthew.

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