Friday, February 10, 2012

Smiles and snacks

 This is how we enjoy our snacks these days. Abby joins us on the counter in her Bumbo chair which she loves. Matthew assumes his seat on the end of the counter (which is covered in various globs of goop that has been unsuccessfully wiped off) and Sam sits two chairs down. He's in my chair for the pic so everyone could fit a little better.

Abby has been smiling a lot lately (and talking a lot lately too), but I finally got a good picture of her smile. Abby has been working on pitch lately and exploring how she can make high pitched squeals and other noises other than "ah ah ah" which is a favorite of hers. Very cute.

And this is my parody of a food blog. I love to cook and bake, and peruse some cooking blogs from time to time and get a kick out of the series of pictures showing the cook adding their ingredients one at a time and so on. So I thought I would document my preparation of tater tot casserole and I took a pic of my ingredients. I thought it looked so funny that I abandoned my parody, so you are not going to get to see step by step how I browned hamburger and onion, mixed it with condensed soup and layered it with veggies and tater tots in a casserole dish.

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